Background research on honesty & transparency

Earning money easily and fast, having a flexible job and plenty of family time. This is what direct selling, multi-level and network-marketing organizations promise.

However, how honest are such promises? How much do distributors actually earn? And, what should you know when becoming a distributor?

Between 2016-18, Assistant Professor Claudia Gross did research on this topic at the Institute of Management, Radboud University. The result was the “Fair Selling Compass”, which has been transferred to this website in September 2018. The research provides the following information:

The mission of the Fair Selling Compass is “Creating knowledge for Society”  which is derived from the Institute for Management Research of the Radboud University (here).

The Fair Selling Compass aims to achieve the following three goals:

  1. Provide knowledge for future distributors;
  2. Compare organizations in order to stimulate them to honestly provide relevant information on their websites;
  3. Provide general information about this little transparent sector.

Would you like to know more? Read here the “About” page and read here the recently published article in the Journal of Business Ethics on the problems and potential solutions for the direct selling, multi-level marketing, and network marketing industry.